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Product ID 9781600630125

Truth Be Told - DVD

An exciting new series designed to strengthen our understanding of the most important principles of the Christian faith. The Truth Be Told seminar, the first in a series of many, exposes the myth of evolution. Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons refute the lie of evolution with abundant evidence from scientific facts as well as from God's word. This course is for everyone who has ever had or will have a question about the creation evolution controversy in light of reason and revelation. Almost 4 hours of compelling information that your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and others will appreciate. Lessons Include: 1. The Existence of God 2. Dinosaurs: the Poster Children of Evolution (Part 1) 3. Dinosaurs: the Poster Children of Evolution (Part 2) 4. Evolutionary Hoaxes 5. Creation: In Six Days or Six Billion Years? 6. The Fruits of Atheism
Price: $12.00
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