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Product ID 9780890982075

Heart's Bouquet

Heart's Bouquet by Louise Barnett Cox

Thirteen chapters use scriptures, poetry, touching stories and humor so women may grow beautiful flowers in the garden of their hearts.

1- Tear down those fences
2- Preparing the soil
3- Planting seeds of knowledge to reap a harvest of wisdom
4- Don't plant poison ivy in your rose bed
5- Weeding and pruning time
6- A thing of beauty is a joy forever
7- As a single person
8- As a wife
9- As a young mother
10- As a mother of teenagers
11- Even in the empty nest
12- In your golden years
13- What lack I yet?

Product Details
Publisher: Twentieth Century Christian Books
Format: Paperback
ISBN-13: 9780890982075
ISBN: 0890982074
Price: $10.99
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