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Product ID 105056DVD01

Bible Lands Museum - DVD

Bible Lands Museum - DVD
The “Bible Lands Museum” DVD includes 12 programs that provide viewers an opportunity to see and hear about artifacts (both genuine and reproduction) from the lands of the Bible. As Director, Bob Stancell, guides viewers through a study of many historical artifacts that are part of the Bible Lands Museum collection in Sandy, Oregon.

Lessons include:
Ancient Egyptians (14:05 min)
Ancient Sumerians (6:18 min)
Ancient Assyrians (11:07 min)
Greeks & Persians (9:52 min)
Ancient Pottery (5:05 min)
Roman Crucifixion (25:52 min)
First-Century Roman Armor (11:30 min)
Arch of Titus – 82 A.D. (4:48 min)
First-Century Jerusalem (8:59 min) First-Century Caesarea Maritima (5:56 min)
First & Second-Century Ephesus (8:40 min)
Biblical Text (11:00 min)
Price: $14.00
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