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Product ID 9781546604495
Manufacturer Jones, Alma

Chopping My Row

Chopping My Row
In many ways, living life is like working in a field. As you tend your row, you must uproot all the problematic weeds that sprout up and help others do the same in their rows. If you manage yourself well and build a community, you will end up with a bountiful harvest.

Chopping My Row is a spiritual guidebook meant to help Christian women bear their enormous responsibilities. Christian mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts are charged with raising the next generation of believers, and women must work hard to ensure that the new crop carries the same steadfast belief in God.

This book contains poems, songs, prayers, and discussion questions meant to help focus a woman's understanding of the Bible so she may better pass on the Lord's wisdom. To live a fulfilling life, a woman must learn how to address problems with grace, and she must trust God to present solutions. The Bible is filled with stories of overcoming adversity; you can overcome anything by applying the lessons of scripture and learning to chop your row.
Price: $14.99
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