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Product ID 9781933965178

Dehoff's Bible Handbook

Dehoff's Bible Handbook by George W. DeHoff

When you need information on a book of the Bible quickly, you've been called to teach a class at the last moment,this is the reference you need!
A discussion of all Bible writers, an outline of every book, and topical summaries of each book provide quick access to information.
Dozens of charts, outlines, as well as ten new maps not appearing in print before, makes this a valuable reference book.
Each book of the Bible is divided into convenient sections making it possible to use the Handbook for Bible classes as well as for private study.
Indexed by names and topics. The outgrowth of more than forty years of daily Bible study, familiarity with both sacred and secular history, long years of teaching, and more than fifteen trips to travel and study Bible lands, all combine to make this a very practical book.

Product Details

* Pub. Date: January 1964
* Publisher: DeHoff Christian Bookstore
* Format: Hardcover, 331pp
* ISBN-13: 9781933965178
* ISBN: 1933965177
Price: $17.99
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