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Product ID 9781598566932

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible - Hard Cover

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by James Strong

This updated edition of Strong�s Exhaustive Concordance takes James Strong�s monumental work and updates it to be even more useful to the modern reader.

It maintains all of the features that have made Strong�s indispensable for over 100 years:
� Allows the reader to easily find all biblical occurrences of a word in the King James Version
� Points the reader to the underlying Hebrew and Greek words
� Uses the Strong�s numbering system which is used in many of the new study tools of today

And adds new features that make it even more useful:
� Corrected, updated, and expanded using the latest computer technology
� Extra-clear typesetting and page design make this edition readable and easy to navigate
� Updated and improved Hebrew and Greek dictionaries tie each word to the Greek or Hebrew root
� Includes maps and additional Bible study aids
� Clear edge-tab indexing for handier use

Product Details
* Pub. Date: February 2009
* Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Incorporated
* Format: Hardcover, 1688pp
* ISBN-13: 9781598566932
* ISBN: 1598566938
Price: $19.97
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