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Product ID 9781434767356

Be Confident: Hebrews: Live By Faith, Not By Sight

Confident: Live by Faith, Not by Sight by Warren W. Wiersbe

When the Book of Hebrews was penned, the ages were colliding and society seemed to be shaking. Hebrews was written to Christians who were wondering what was going on and what they could do about it. As the stability of the old was passing away, their faith was wavering.

One major message of Hebrews is BE CONFIDENT! God is shaking things so you might learn to live by faith and not by sight. He wants to build your life on the permanence of the eternal, not on the instability of the temporal.

Look to Jesus Christ and BE CONFIDENT!

Our ever-living High Priest in heaven is able to see us through our difficult and demanding days too. "The just shall live by faith!"

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe is best known as an author, pastor, and radio Bible teacher. He was for many years pastor of Chicago's Moody Memorial Church and most recently served as General Director and Bible teacher for Back to the Bible. He has authored over 100 books, including the New Testament "BE" series from Victor Books.

Product Details
* Pub. Date: February 1982
* Publisher: Cook, David C.
* Format: Paperback, 168pp
* Series: The BE Series Commentary Series
* ISBN-13: 9780896937284
* ISBN: 0896937283
Price: $16.99
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