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Product ID 9780840770981

Life's Not Fair, But God Is Good

Life's Not Fair, but God Is Good by Robert Harold Schuller

Tum every obstacle into a step on the road to greater faith, hope, and happiness. There's no doubting that life can be tough and sometimes even seems downright unfair. But Dr. Robert H. Schuller, the world's premier positive thinker, has great news. Even when life is toughest, even when you're battling more than your share of disappointments, you can rise above adversity and find new hope and true happiness Dr. Schuller shows you know to keep your faith in good times and bad. You'll discover how to turn disappointments into stepping-stones to success. Five self-esteem boosters that can give you the confidence to turn your dreams into reality. Six easy steps for unlocking the tremendous healing power of prayer. The nine commandments of thankful to restore your positive outlook on life. How to keep your goal in sight, even when obstacles get in the way. . .and much more! Life may not always be fair, or easy, but you can triumph over any obstacle that comes your way if you remember these simple but powerful life�affirming words: God is good.

Product Details
* Pub. Date: September 1991
* Publisher: Thomas Nelson
* Format: Hardcover, 288pp
* ISBN-13: 9780840770981
* ISBN: 0840770987
Price: $18.95
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