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Product ID 9780785214243

Exploring The New Testament World: An Illustrated Guide To The World Of Jesus

Exploring The New Testament World: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Jesus and the First Christians by Albert A. Bell, Bruce Manning Metzger (Foreword by)

The timeless message of the New Testament applies to people of every culture and generation. Yet there is great value in understanding the world in which that message was first revealed - its social manners, politics, religious customs, and culture. Exploring the New Testament World, written by classics and Bible scholar Dr. Albert A. Bell, Jr., illuminates the living context of the New Testament, immersing its readers in the intriguing world of Jesus and the early church.

An authority on ancient Greek and Roman language, culture, and history, Dr. Bell writes in a readable style that is accessible and enjoyable to any reader - an uncommon accomplishment among New Testament scholars today. Surveying Jewish factions of the era, the social and political structure of the Roman Empire, and the philosophies and religions that surrounded the early church, Dr. Bell helps his readers learn to think like first-century Jews, Greeks, and Romans, illuminating puzzling New Testament passages for clear understanding. Comprehensive Scripture and Subject Indexes make this volume even more useful as a "manners and customs" Bible companion.

This authoritative guide receives high praise from college professors and Sunday school teachers alike, proving its appeal to both popular and academic audiences. A "must-have" reference for every pastor and an indispensable resource to any Bible reader.

Product Details
* ISBN: 0785214240
* ISBN-13: 9780785214243
* Format: Paperback, 336pp
* Publisher: Thomas Nelson
* Pub. Date: September 1998
Price: $14.99
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